The Blue Planet For The Home Sweet Homers

I’m standing on the bow of this massive Australian Catamaran, that’s taking me from Cairns to Australia‘s Great Barrier Reef. My inside is on fire! I mean WAw! I’m on my...

Music from the land down under… I think you’ve all heard this song before… đŸ™‚ After hitch- hiking for over 1000 K’s, I reaaaaally didn’t feel like talking anymore. When I...

The last person to pick me up hitch- hiking to Airlie Beach was Scott. He had three big dogs in the back of his truck… Turned out he’d just been Wild...

Airlie Beach is a popular Australian coast town, that’s often used as a Jumping- off point to visit Australia’s Whitsunday’s and the Great Barrier Reef. The town is lovely. Not too...

Four years ago, when I started the “Big Travel” in Rio de Janeiro: I’d read the whole Brazilian Lonely Planet and had already found a friends’ apartment to rent 6 months...

In less then 2 weeks time I had to re- orient my life. A job I took didn’t work out and I was given 14 days to leave Gili Air. Gili...

This is part of my research on the best dive sites in the world. Australia has over 35 000 km’s of coast-line. Interesting to know is that Australia only has 20 million...

This post is part of my research for the most amazing dives in the world. This one is not for everyone :). It remains one of the dive sites we would...